The other day I read something written by a friend, and while I may not agree with all of his conclusions, I really appreciate the questions he asks, and his desire to find the truth. Enjoy.
"God is God"
Why are some healed and some not healed?
I'm sure many within the christian faith who believe that healing is something that still happens today have asked themselves this question... probably all who believe in it have. I was reading in Matthew and something I noticed is that Jesus never healed simply for the sake of healing. There was always something deeper going on. Not only that, it only ever brought "fame" to him. His name is the only one by which anyone can be saved so that makes sense, but still it's not for the sake of just the healing. It's just another way Father wants to draw us to him and if it doesn't lead to that end then ultimately what's the point?
I used to struggle so much with this question. People would tell me that it's a promise of God (healing) so it has to work every time! So I was very confused and not impressed when it wouldn't work... and I would watch those same people who stood in such confidence proclaiming the promise from behind the pulpit look some suffering person in eye promising that their pain would be gone if only they could have faith.... This suffering person that would do anything to know how to make that faith work.... and so they look that person in the eye and say "brother, you just keep believing for your healing and I'm gonna do the same thing. I truly believe you are going to be healed! Amen!" They may respond with half a smile and see some ray of hope because of the display of confidence before them, but we don't walk home with them. Many times we don't ever pray for them or think about them again. If we do it fades with time.... and they walk away having needed a true encounter with God's love and instead they get a Jesus high for a second, a little false hope, and better reason to believe that God doesn't really care about them.
I'm sure the way this sounds makes it seem as though I'm against praying for people's healing or something for the reason that you can't know if it's going to work every time but that's not it at all. If you witnessed thousands of confirmed healings at the tips of your fingers and later learned that not one of those people went to be with their Father in heaven, then what kind of sense of accomplishment could you possibly retain.... none I would hope. If you pay attention to the theme of the Bible and things that happen today that we would consider paranormal in regards to christianity, I think you will see that our Father only ever wants our hearts and if anything gets in the way of that, He does everything he can to get rid of it.
I do believe in healing, but not as a right that I have obtained by professing to be a follower of Christ. I believe that that it's a gift that God distributes as he pleases and we have no right to challenge or question why or when because the one fact remains that we so often forget... he is GOD! He doesn't answer to us, we answer to him.
I have never been healed, never spoken in tongues, never had anything really crazy like that happen to me, but my relationship with my Father doesn't suffer for it, although it used to. I would come to God in frustration saying things like, "You promised! You have to! Your word says you will!" so arrogantly arguing my case before HIS throne. I felt entitled to those things... but never had i considered how that made God feel.
I can't imagine how my spouse would feel if I felt entitled to the outward displays of her love... if I felt like she "had to" cook for me, that she "had to" kiss me, that "had to" keep the house clean. How used she would feel.... how unappreciated and unimportant. I wouldn't question my wife's love for me if I came home to dirty house one day. The same reason I don't question God when I pray for someone who doesn't get healed. I'm content to let God be God and continue love his people the best way I know how. I know that God loves his people more than I could ever have the ability to. Why should I think that God has failed them or me when I don't see something that I think I should? There is no reward for a certain number of healings, or baptisms in the Holy Spirit, but God will not overlook one single act of love towards one of his children.
I believe that God is moved by our hearts and NOT correct protocol. If it was only correct protocol and phrasing it would be nothing more than casting spells. The power of God lies in his infinite love. Everything He DOES is a result of the love that HE IS. I haven't arrived. I don't know anything aside from what He has chosen to show me. I pray that I don't speak my opinions, but the heart of Father.
The Father's love never lets go.
King Thamus
13 years ago
1 comment:
good thoughts, thanks for sharing them Bud!
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