Saturday, August 1, 2009

To Be Continued...

Not a fan of cliffhangers? Find out what happens next!

Nick's new Blog

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


As I look back on the past 9 months of my life, I have so much to be thankful for. The memories and friends I've made this year will last a lifetime, and the growth I've experienced this year has set me up for a lifetime of continued growth. While it's hard to process all that I've learned and done this year, it seems necessary to at least review some highlights. In no particular order, here they are:

1) Friends: It might be more fitting to say family. Living with 40 people for 9 months, and doing virtually everything together, builds strong bonds. The 13 other guys in the programs are like brothers to me, and I know at least a few of them will be lifelong friends. Even beyond the IMT program, so many people invested time and energy into my life, and I can't imagine life without these relationships. I am excited to continue these friendships long past any physical connections with Tulsa.

2) Outreaches: Traveling is one of the coolest opportunities in IMT. This year I visited churches and outreach centers in Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Texas, California, Maryland, and Mexico. I've volunteered, and even slept in homeless shelters. I've done drama presentations of the Gospel for people who speak English, and people who don't. I've built relationships with high school students and seen them grow in their passion for God. Something I've experienced a lot in my life, and especially this year, is the privilege of worshipping with different bodies of believers. I find it beautiful to see how God can be glorified through many different traditions and approaches. Getting out of Tulsa has certainly helped me keep God out of any sort of box.

3) VBI: I have never been a fan of school, but somehow this year was different, with the focus less on academics, and more on spiritual growth. All my time in class and studying has produced visible growth in my life. I may not have found the answers to all my questions, but I have found peace and direction for my life. Getting my focus on the Lord has changed my perspective on life in such a refreshing way, and I know as I continue to build my life on the foundation of the Word of God, I will continue to prosper.

4) Personal Growth: Everything about this past year has had its part in my personal growth, but I feel my growth is significant enough to warrant its own bullet. Beyond any practical or spiritual lessons learned this year, I feel like the truth has really taken root in my heart. I have always had all the right answers, but I believe now I can let my life do the talking. God has blessed me so much this year, and I am excited for the privilege to serve Him with all that I have.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your financial support, your prayers, and your friendship. As I head off to work at Deerfoot Lodge for the summer, you will all be in my prayers. Perhaps I will find time to update this blog again when I am back in Maryland in the Fall. Until then, God Bless!

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!"
-Philippians 4:4

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Seek First

I like to ponder things. I usually find myself pondering insignificant matters and unanswerable questions. There are, however, the very rare moments when I actually ponder something that is relevant, insightful, and applicable to my life. January 2009 has been full of such epiphanies. In the wake of my annual endeavor to make myself a better person (aka new years), I have become very aware of just how short I fall of God's standard for my life. In my last post, I wrote about my desire to keep my perspective fixed around Christ. As I sought to make this desire a reality, reality itself became my biggest obstacle. How could I ignore the huge question marks that seem to dominate my 2009 calendar? How would I overcome my frustrations with the people around me? Do I really expect my problems to be solved by simply adopting a more spiritual perspective on life?

These questions, among others, led me back to one of my favorite verses: Matthew 6:33. "But seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." What does it mean to really seek God first? This is something I have agreed with in principle for my entire life, but only recently have I been pursuing it. I began to realize all the other things that are important to me, and how frequently I am seeking those things before I seek God. The approval of others, my own comfort, sleep; to list only a few. I am learning the importance of Hebrews 12, to "fix our eyes on Jesus, throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and run with endurance the race marked out for us." As I've practiced throwing off everything, I've experienced such a renewed sense of joy and peace, even when life doesn't make sense. I can say with confidence that Jesus is my passion: the most important thing in my life.

None of these thoughts or scriptures are new to me. I know most people who go to church are familiar with these ideas, but I also know that most people who go to church often fail to fix their eyes on Jesus. I wish I could communicate my heart more effectively, to make others understand what I finally understand, that there really is nothing else worth living for. Hopefully if you are reading this, you are encouraged to get back to seeking God first. "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you." -James 4:8