A few days ago I had a really cool conversation with one of the second year girls in the program. I was explaining to her some of my questions about prayer, more specifically the charismatic style of praying. I talked about different ways I felt I was being stretched, and different frustrations I was still trying to work through. The "conversation" consisted mostly of me talking at her, but when I did give her a chance to speak, what she said stuck with me. It was nothing new or profound, but I think I needed to hear it. She suggested that this was just an area where I need to grow. This might sound obvious, but in my mind, I had already done enough growing, and now it was time for God to divinely impart all knowledge and wisdom unto me. I guess God never got that memo. Anyway, I say all this to say that I spent a lot of my day alone praying about prayer. As ironic as that may sound, it was quite helpful.
The rest of my day consisted of reading parts of "The Reason for God," by Tim Keller (check it out, it's good), setting goals for the year, and taking random naps amongst the trees. One of the issues that was on my heart was to stop dwelling so much on all the rules of IMT, and to focus more on how I can pursue change in my own life. Nobody likes to follow a checklist of do's and don'ts, but I think if I can find a way to desire growth in certain areas, then I will be motivated to seek the necessary changes in my life. I think the same can be said for the Bible. Don't obey the Word to make God love you, obey the Word because God already loves you. It's the least I can do.
I have a speech by Tim Keller on a CD about how there can only be one religion. He's pretty compelling, but I'm still not sure how I feel about it. It's easily the biggest barrier for me.
Go Redskins.
great stuff, nick! so proud of you guys! keep it up and continue to remain open to God because He's got sooo much in store for you! enjoy every part of it!
btw - this is jessica mcauliff ;)
can you feel the love, nick?
we all miss you and know that what God is doing in your life this year is both transformational and transcendent - just allow yourself to grow where you are being planted!
you may enjoy some of the posts at http://considerredunconventional.blogspot.com/ - I'd love to get some of your comments... especially on "should I stay or should I go"
praying for your prayer life,
whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.... you talked to a girl?
but seriously thats pretty cool, praying about prayer always an interesting time.
wow bud, really good stuff. i'm so thankful for what God has done, is doing, and is going to do in your life. i'm thinking you will always have questions about prayer, but as your faith grows you won't dwell so much on them. prov 3:5 love you! mom
hey bud! iiii'm reading Tim Keller's The Reason for God! oh my so good. hopefully we can talk about it soon. sadly it is at home with my mom because she wants to read it. luckily jordan has a copy that i am borrowing so soon! still proud of you and praying for you (:
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